Our Commitment
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global health crisis, and we are responding in several ways.
- We carry as low stock as possible
- We use and consume less
- We still pay attention to Covid-19 results
- We support Tango Communities to get back in business
At the TOUCHLINE, we believe that everyone’s number one priority should be to look after their family and loved ones, and to stay home wherever possible to stop the virus from spreading.
We know that many of our partners and the communities they serve are facing extraordinary difficulties, and we are committed to supporting them in finding extraordinary solutions.
TANGO will survive

How to measure your foot
Get a piece of paper and measure your foot separately

Make sure to measure your foot as in the picture.

now you are ready to select your shoes since you know how long is your foot.

Our last for Boots and the Measures are shown as in the picture.

Our last for Masculine Shoes with heels or without. Please select your size carefully